EtchMaster NO MESS air abrasion & prophy adaptor.

EtchMaster Adaptor easy change tips

The EtchMaster PR air abrasion and prophy adaptor is a simple metal adaptor that fits into your chair side ( 2-6 hole) connector.  The water is cut off by the adaptor and air pressure is reduced to 40 psi to enable safe and clean air abrasion and prophy procedures.  Powder flow is controlled by your […]

How to disinfect your EtchMaster Adaptor

Disinfection instructions: Groman Dental recommends using a disinfectant on the adapter body between patients or using a single use disposable barrier. To disinfect the EtchMaster® adapter, generously spray disinfectant on a clean towel and wipe all surfaces. Discard used towel. Dry with a clean cloth. Never spray disinfectant solution directly on the adapter. When using […]