EtchMaster Powder Options

EtchMaster NO MESS air abrasion & prophy adaptor.

The EtchMaster adaptors use pre-filled tips, with 3 choices of abrasive powder and 4 choices of prophy & perio powders.

There are two tips sizes: LARGE for up to 16 tooth surfaces and SMALL for up to 4 tooth surfaces.

The tips are placed in the end of the EtchMaster adaptor and the pin is rotated and pulled out to allow the powder to be released.

Three Abrasive Tip Options

BLACK - 50 Micron Aluminium Oxide

EtchMaster NO MESS air abrasion & prophy adaptor.

EtchMaster Black Tips LARGE & SMALL, HARD ABRASIVE containing 50 micron aluminium oxide powder. Up to 6 tooth surfaces. Micro-etching, Intra and Extra Oral, Supragingival only.

Applications: Roughening of metal brackets, ceramic and enamel surfaces, plus reconditioning of failed brackets.

Red - 27 Micron Aluminium Oxide

EtchMaster NO MESS air abrasion & prophy adaptor.

EtchMaster Red Tips LARGE & SMALL containing 27 micron aluminium oxide powder.

Always Acid Etch AFTER microetching surfaces.

Applications: General intra oral and extra oral bonding procedures requiring surface roughening. Sealants, Crowns, Ortho Brackets, Veneers, Ceramic & Porcelain Repair, Metal & Composite Restorations, CEREC, Zirconia



EtchMaster NO MESS air abrasion & prophy adaptor.

EtchMaster Small Disposable Hard Abrasive Tips filled with CoJet (TM) Sand (BROWN) with Regular Bend nozzle

30 Micron Coated Aluminium Oxide;Applications: Per 3M ESPE Co-Jet instructions.

Suitable for: Silicatization and repair of metal, ceramic and composite surfaces. In addition to providing microretentive roughening, the siliconized powder leaves a ceramic-type coting on the surface of the material.

Roughening glass based materials such as inner aspect porcelain crowns or resin buildup cores, but not for general bonding preparations. Creates satin lustre on metal surfaces & removes plaque from dentures.


Four Prophy Tip Options

GREEN - Sodium Bicarbonate

EtchMaster air abrasion and prophy adaptor from DPS

EtchMaster LARGE  Disposable Tips filled with Sodium Bi-Carbonate, Soft Abrasive (GREEN Prophy Brush) with Regular Bend nozzle.

Sodium Bi-Carbonate is a lighter powder with a salty taste, usable sub-gingival. AVOID when patient blood pressure may be a consideration.

Qty 25 per Box

Applications: Localized cleaning, polishing, blending and removal of extrinsic stain, pits and fissure brushing prior to sealants. This powder is very soft and does not abrade enamel or metal surfaces.

YELLOW - Calcium Carbonate

EtchMaster air abrasion and prophy adaptor from DPS

EtchMaster Large & Small Yellow Disposable Tips filled with Soft Abrasive YELLOW Calcium Carbonate.

30 micron Calcium carbonate is a heavier powder with a chalky consistency. NOT usable sub gingivally.

Qty 25 per Box

Applications: Localized cleaning, polishing, blending and removal of extrinsic stain, pits and fissure brushing prior to sealants.

This powder is very soft and does not abrade enamel or metal surfaces.

BLUE - Sodium Bicarbonate & Aluminium Oxide

EtchMaster air abrasion and prophy adaptor from DPS

EtchMaster Large & Small BLUE Disposable Air Abrasive Tips filled with Mild Abrasive 50 micron aluminium oxide & sodium bi-carbonate blend.

The small quantity of aluminium oxide adds abrasiveness for engrained stain removal.

Applications: Localised cleaning, polishing and removal of engrained stain, pits and fissure cleaning prior to sealants.

ORANGE - Glycine Powder

EtchMaster adaptor soft abrasive Glycine Powder tips for implant treatment

EtchMaster Small Orange Disposable Tips filled with Soft Abrasive ORANGE Glycine Powder.

  • Indication: Biofilm removal from both infected tooth and implant surfaces, treatment of implants with peri-implantitis, and to revitalize the interface for improved bone to implant adaptation.
  • Surface treatment achieves only microbial suppression.  Further patient maintenance and observation is required in moderated to severe peri-implantitis.
  • Over exposure of surface to powder is harmful.  It is imperative to keep moving the nozzle over the surface and never expose any spots for over 5 seconds.

Recommended Air Pressure: 40psi (2.8 Bar) is strictly recommended to avoid potential for subcutaneous emphysema.

Qty 25 per Box