Minimal Invasive, Single Visit, DIRECT VENEER System
edelweiss Direct Veneers are a beautiful, minimally invasive option for your patients. They are a step change in aesthetics. The laser sintered surface creates a very natural look, as similar to the natural tooth as is possible from a pre-fabricated veneer. The edelweiss direct veneer system allows the artist in you to create beautiful, natural looking teeth, which, unlike other veneers won't stain.
edelweiss veneers are made from nano-hybrid composite and laser sintered to mimic the natural surface of a youthful and healthy tooth.
If you are someone who routinely offers composite veneers to your patients, with edelweiss you can massively elevate the result and offer your patients a more economical and speedy choice than ceramic.
Shape & Size
The shape and size of edelweiss prefabricated veneers is based on a study of all size and shape variations of natural tooth anatomy.
The outcome of the study is a range of sizes (20 lower Small/Medium and 30 upper Small/Medium/Large and 6 upper Extra Small)
edelweiss Sizing Guide
There are three size guides:
Small / Medium
Large / XS
Small / Medium
The size guide is positioned over the teeth so that the dentist can select the best fitting edelweiss veneer.
edelweiss natural layering technique
The natural layering technique is a concept that was proposed in 1995 by Prof. Dr. D. Dietschi and was published for the first time in 1997.
It is based on the idea of creating a synthesis between light, material and color in order to mimic the natural tooth structure.
edelweiss Shade System
edelweiss Veneers consist of the shade Enamel - Vita Enamel AO.
The respective dentin and enamel shades used to cement the VENEER will determine the final shade tone of the restoration.
edelweiss VENEER (Vita Enamel Shade AO) cemented with Dentin Shade A3 (Vita Dentin Shade A3) will result in the Vita Dentin Shade A3.
edelweiss Shade Guide
The edelweiss shade guide is used to determine the colour: AO, A1, A2, A3 or A3.5.
There are:
Five edelweiss Dentin Shades
Single opacity - same hue, but different chroma levels - fluorescence. From Dentin A0, for the restoration of bleached teeth to Dentin A3.5, for cervical restorations of darker teeth for elderly patients.
The Dentin Body shades exhibit high opacity and fluorescence which correspond to natural shades of dentin.
One edelweiss Enamel Shade
Enamel shade intensifies the translucency, which increase the true opalescence for all optical variations found in natural dentition. Basic Tint: Enamel
Three edelweiss Effect Shades
Effect Blue serves to enhance blue-opalescent effects of the incisal edge. Effect Ice helps to simulate widespread enamel opacities. Opaque White is mainly used in combination with other shades to produce “opaquers” of desired shade to cover either severely discolored tissues or metals.
Tint: Effect Blue, Effect Ice and Opaque White.
edelweiss Nano-Hybrid Composite
edelweiss Nano-Hybrid Composite is a light curing, radiopaque, highly filled nano-hybrid composite filling material for restorations that meet the highest standards.
The edelweiss system consists of 2 components:
• Dentin in 5 Vita Shades (A0 to A3.5)
• One Enamel shade
The 2 Hour Smile
We have created a patient friendly website - The 2 Hour Smile where patients can learn about the system and find dental practices that offer edelweiss veneers.